Tuesday 15 August 2017


Soldering is the process of joining two metals together to make an electrical connection.
Here is my first effort.

Tuesday 8 August 2017


Image result for get ready get through

The GET READY GET THRU website says we need a torch and spare batteries in our survival kit.

I am going to design and make a portable emergency light/torch for my survival kit.
Image result for get ready get thru containerThe website also says that we need 3 litres of water per person per day for at least three days. My family will need at least 36 litres of water. 

Friday 16 June 2017

Week 7 reflection

Week 7 reflection

I have finished my static image image presentation. I was pleased with how I decided to show my presentation and what book I chose. This week I helped Ally with drawing the books for the once static image and I also helped her with layout the inside and finish the cover.

This week I have worked really hard on my reading workspace by getting in the proof for my answers and answering questions.
Next week my goal is to finish my reading workspace.
And I have finished almost two books and my movie report on my reading wheel.

Wednesday 8 March 2017

balloon car popplet

We have been making balloon cars out of recycled bottles and cartons. We had a limited amount of time to make them and then we raced them in the hall. The car is thrusted with the air from the balloon.